Comment on Other Blogs to Generate Ad Agency Traffic

To be part of the conversation, increase awareness that will in turn generate traffic to your agency’s blog. It is to your advantage to read and occasionally comment on other blogs. I recently weighed in on a discussion regarding college football’s Bowl Champion Series (BCS) recent venture into social media. An Ad Age Blog, Adages, a post titled, “BCS Enters Twitter: Beat Down Like Notre Dame in a Bowl Game.”

Tsunami Warning: Google Wave, will it replace email?

E-mail is the most popular way people communicate online, yet it was invented 40 years ago! Google says it developed Wave to answer the question, “What would email look like if we set out to invent it today?” Everyone uses email, instant messaging and live chatrooms online now, but Google Wave will be able to tie those forms of communications together plus utilize established social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace.

Study: Fortune 100 companies using Twitter more than any other social media platform

It’s important for agencies to stay on top of social media marketing trends as we continue to watch the evolution of components to this new media channel. Agencies and clients continue experimenting with social media platforms such as Twitter. I thought this new study by Burson-Marsteller and Proof Digital Media would be of interest.

Top 10 Ad Agency New Business Articles

It’s always interesting to see what post create the most interest. Your blog’s analytics can teach you what your audience’s interests are, what resonates and is appealing to them. They are your ultimate judge and jury.