10 Steps to Market Yourself As A Speaker for Ad Agency New Business

speaking for ad agency new business

Public speaking establishes credibility, a positioning of expertise and can produce a consistent flow of leads. Speaking at conferences, seminars, workshops and webinars is a tremendous asset for agency new business. Attendees are often highly qualified prospects, who are interested in what you have to say. Many will view you as an expert just because […]

A Lack of Positioning Makes Ad Agency New Business Harder

lack of positioning makes ad agency new business harder

Creating and maintaining agency new business is often harder than it should be because one key ingredient is often lacking. Positioning is the foundation of any agency’s new business program. It is also the area that many agencies have not addressed because of either procrastination or, more likely, their unwillingness to make the difficult business […]

243 Ad Agencies Share How They are Different from the Rest for New Business

ad agencies differentiation and positioning

The agencies that win the most new business will have a differentiating position from their competitors.
In a recent blind ad agency new business survey I asked the question, Does your agency have a unique point of differentiation from competitors? Here’s their response.

Ad Agencies: 10 Tips That Separates the Best From the Rest

the best advertising agencies

The agencies that win the most new business have a differentiating position from their competitors. “Most managers invest their time and energy in trying to make their firms better, when in fact they should be also be working to make their firms different” – From Positioning for Professionals

Can you describe your ad agency’s positioning in 30 seconds?

foundation for ad agency new business is positioning

Can you define your agency’s positioning in a simple statement? I can’t begin to tell you how many agencies I know struggle with this. The starting point for any ad agency new business program is your positioning. It is a fundamental prerequisite for small and midsize agencies. Positioning is everything. But it is also the place where most agencies where most fail.

Through Social Media an Ad Agency Drives a Stake in the Ground

Small-to mid-size ad agencies should do for themselves what they do for their clients: develop a clear positioning that builds on the agency’s distinctive strengths, differentiates the agency from its competitors, and makes the agency powerfully appealing to prospective clients.