Blogs Can Convert Visitors into Leads for Ad Agency New Business

Creating a community of followers through Twitter and a regularly updated stream of content on a blog builds engagement, boosts the agency’s presence on Google and ultimately bring in more prospective clients. nbound online marketing platform HubSpot’s The State of Inbound Marketing report that inbound marketing can double average monthly leads for small and medium-sized businesses. It can also generate leads for less money inbound marketing bring leads for less money.

10 Twitter Mistakes Made By Ad Agencies for New Business

Twitter is one of the social media tools that can be used in your agency’s overall strategy to generate traffic and new business leads. It is the leading traffic generator to my Fuel Lines’ blog. Here are ten mistakes agencies should avoid if they want to generate new business through Twitter:

A Great Ad Agency New Business Tool to Optimize Twitter

Twitter is being talked about everywhere. People are drawn to it because of the buzz of its popularity but the majority of people don’t understand its potential. That includes most ad agencies. My primary objective for using Twitter was to increase traffic to my blog. Twitter is now the leading traffic generator for FUEL LINES.

There are hundreds of tools that have been developed to enhance Twitter’s usefulness for marketing. The tool that is most helpful to me and the one I use most often for ad agency new business is called Tweetlater.

Ad Agency Draw 63,000+ Twitter Users for BrandBowl 2010

Mullen, and Radian6, a leader in social media measurement, created BrandBowl2010, a Twitter/Super Bowl experience that combined tweeting, ad reviews and a host of metrics to let viewers generate and view real time ratings of the TV commercials that ran on the big game.

Twitter Integrates with LinkedIn a Plus for Ad Agency New Business

Twitter is the leading traffic generator to Fuel Lines. It considerably beats SEO, email and bookmarking directing some 27,000 page views to my blog last month alone. Traffic is what will help build your agency’s inbound lead generation. So Twitter is a powerful tool for ad agency new business.

To Get the Most Out of Twitter Be a Maverick

Twitter is evolving. Maximize its potential around your agency’s new business objectives. Be a maverick. Don’t just follow the herd. Guy Kawasaki, an early adopter and leader in social media, recently made this said, “Three years ago Twitter was a nice little pond that people shared with their close friends … The whole point back then was establishing warm-and-fuzzy relationships with people you cared about by answering the question, “What are you doing?”

Recurring Tweets On Twitter Accounts Are Being Discontinued

On Monday, October 12th, 2009, Twitter communicated that recurring tweets are in violation of their Terms of Service. Twitter’s rationale centered around the potential for recurring tweets to result in duplicate tweets.

How to Generate Traffic to Your Ad Agency’s Blog with Repeat Tweets

Twitter has long outgrown the original intent of its early adopters, establishing relationships with people by answering the question, “What are you doing?” 
My Twitter participation from the very beginning has been from a new business perspective. How to use this new communication’s tool for ad agency new business. The way that I used it has been different than most. At times I receive some criticism from some early adopters of Twitter that I’m not using it correctly.

Ad Agencies: Useful In-Depth Data on How Twitter is Being Used

As your agency participates in the Twittersphere … it is helpful to understand how Twitter is being used. I’ve shared before that Twitter is the leading traffic generator to my blog. I currently receive more visitors to Fuel Lines through Twitter than through SEO or my email newsletter. Part of the reason for this is the growth of Twitter, it more than doubled in one month (Feb. 09). I also have over 15,000+ following my @michaelgass and @fuellines accounts.

Study: Fortune 100 companies using Twitter more than any other social media platform

It’s important for agencies to stay on top of social media marketing trends as we continue to watch the evolution of components to this new media channel. Agencies and clients continue experimenting with social media platforms such as Twitter. I thought this new study by Burson-Marsteller and Proof Digital Media would be of interest.