How Can I Make FUEL LINES More Useful for You?

Following my 500th post and closing in on my third anniversary for FUEL LINES, I ask for your input on how I can make this blog more useful to you? Here are some areas you might like to comment on that I might improve upon:

Outlook Report 2010: The Great Recession and Ad Agency New Business

ad agency new business outlook

Advertising and PR agencies have lost 65,000 jobs, or about 14 percent of the pre-recession total. Moody’s Analytics estimates our industrywill lose even more within five years.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke calls it “the worst financial crisis in modern history.” His predecessor, Alan Greenspan, says it was “the most virulent global financial crisis ever.” The resulting recession was longer and deeper than any the U.S. has suffered since World War II.

12 Blog Writing Tips to Generate Ad Agency New Business

Over three years of writing blog posts and assisting agencies in creating and writing for their blogs, here are some blogging tips that I hope you will find helpful. Keep in mind that I’m providing these from a new business perspective to generate inbound leads from your agency’s best target audience

Ad Agency’s Super Bowl Party Generates National Attention

You’ve probably heard of ADBOWL, but you may not know that the idea originated at a midsize ad agency’s Super Bowl party in Albuquerque, NM. Ten years later, growing in size every year, the idea has paid great dividends to the agency generating national television, press coverage and positioning it as an industry leader.

“StopTheAdness” Campaign Builds Buzz for Small Ad Agency

Carton Donofrio Partners, a small Baltimore advertising agency has created a ambitious campaign that bring advertisers, agencies and the media together to stop advertising madness. The campaign is also providing a unique way to build some national buzz and awareness for the agency.

Survey: Marketers Top 10 Wish List For Ad Agencies of the Future

A national survey provides insight into what marketers want from their agencies in the next 12 months. The Agency of the Future Survey, sponsored by Sapient. Though this survey was conducted just over a year ago, it is an insightful look back as well as a look forward and still has relevance for agencies today.

Creating an iPhone App for Your Ad Agency’s Blog

Ad Agency New Business, there’s an App for that! Having your own iPhone app for your website or blog will become a common way to promote and extend your agency’s brand. I found that actually creating that application and getting it into the App Store can be a lengthy and expensive process.

What is important to advertising agencies this year?

Seth Godin invited more than 60 experts from various disciplines to share their views of the future in a single page for an eBook that he wanted to share electronically. What Matters Now, will inspire you to make some changes in 2010, and to keep doing work that matters.

New Apple device could change the way we read newspapers, magazines and books

It is imperative for agencies to stay on top of new communication technology and its impact upon our industry and clients. That said, follow Apple. This company has transformed the way we listen to (and purchase) music with the iPod and iTunes. It also changed the way we use our cellphones with the iPhone. We are perhaps weeks away from the launch of the Apple Tablet. It could change the way we consume news, read magazines and books.

Tsunami Warning: Google Wave, will it replace email?

E-mail is the most popular way people communicate online, yet it was invented 40 years ago! Google says it developed Wave to answer the question, “What would email look like if we set out to invent it today?” Everyone uses email, instant messaging and live chatrooms online now, but Google Wave will be able to tie those forms of communications together plus utilize established social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace.