Twitter List: 500+ Advertising Agencies on Twitter

If you want prospective clients to find your agency, provide them with helpful resources. I’m still researching and experimenting with some list building tools. Recently I shared a post about a list generator tool called TweetpML. This week I’ve been experimenting with Twitter’s new list feature to organize people that you are following on Twitter. But … as always, I’m exploring these list building tools from a new business perspective.

Lists of Advertising Agencies on Twitter

Below is an initial list of 100 advertising agencies and agency principals that are on Twitter. I would welcome additions to the list. Please provide additions through the comment section below or email them to me.

To Get the Most Out of Twitter Be a Maverick

Twitter is evolving. Maximize its potential around your agency’s new business objectives. Be a maverick. Don’t just follow the herd. Guy Kawasaki, an early adopter and leader in social media, recently made this said, “Three years ago Twitter was a nice little pond that people shared with their close friends … The whole point back then was establishing warm-and-fuzzy relationships with people you cared about by answering the question, “What are you doing?”

Recurring Tweets On Twitter Accounts Are Being Discontinued

On Monday, October 12th, 2009, Twitter communicated that recurring tweets are in violation of their Terms of Service. Twitter’s rationale centered around the potential for recurring tweets to result in duplicate tweets.

Ad Agencies: Are focus groups dead?

dward Boches, CCO at Mullen, in a recent article raises this question, Are focus groups really necessary at all? With all of the alternatives that are available through social media focus groups seem to be a costly practice that now looks absurd. He describes a typical focus group familiar to us all.

Ad Agencies: 97 Articles on How To Write Effectively for the Social Web

To convert content to new business leads you must learn to write effectively for the web.

There is a completely different writing style for web vs print. Professional copywriters even have difficulty with the transition from print to web. I’m always searching for resources that help me to become a better writer for web, whether it is for my blog, Twitter or other social media platforms. I recently came across a post written by Robin Broitman, chief internet and social media strategist for IIG Group titled: HOW-TO: Write Effectively for Twitter & The Social Web.

Ad agencies are missing out on Twitter’s growth for new business

ad agencies missing new business opportunities from twitter

My primary objective for using Twitter is to generate traffic to my blog. Twitter is the leading traffic generator for my blog (25,000+ page views for August). There are a number of Twitter tools that will allow you to take advantage of Twitter’s growth for ad agency new business:

How to Generate Traffic to Your Ad Agency’s Blog with Repeat Tweets

Twitter has long outgrown the original intent of its early adopters, establishing relationships with people by answering the question, “What are you doing?” 
My Twitter participation from the very beginning has been from a new business perspective. How to use this new communication’s tool for ad agency new business. The way that I used it has been different than most. At times I receive some criticism from some early adopters of Twitter that I’m not using it correctly.

Ad Agencies: Useful In-Depth Data on How Twitter is Being Used

As your agency participates in the Twittersphere … it is helpful to understand how Twitter is being used. I’ve shared before that Twitter is the leading traffic generator to my blog. I currently receive more visitors to Fuel Lines through Twitter than through SEO or my email newsletter. Part of the reason for this is the growth of Twitter, it more than doubled in one month (Feb. 09). I also have over 15,000+ following my @michaelgass and @fuellines accounts.

Study: Fortune 100 companies using Twitter more than any other social media platform

It’s important for agencies to stay on top of social media marketing trends as we continue to watch the evolution of components to this new media channel. Agencies and clients continue experimenting with social media platforms such as Twitter. I thought this new study by Burson-Marsteller and Proof Digital Media would be of interest.

A New Business Plan is Just a Plan Until It’s Executed

Execution is the battleground that determines success or failure.

For ad agencies that even have a new business plan, the majority fall short in its implementation.

How many annual planning meetings has your agency gone through to create a strategic marketing plan, only to have it fail in its implementation? Maybe this year, instead of focusing so much attention on the plan, use annual planning to create a dynamic process for execution.

Experience has taught me that successfully executing a new business strategy requires a system.… Continue reading

A Plan for Ad Agency New Business in 3 Simple Steps

A Plan for Ad Agency New Business

Having a written marketing plan makes new business easier and much more consistent.

Most agencies have no plan for new business. They can’t express what they are selling or who they are selling it to.

For you to state that you want to “take your agency to the next level” is not a strategy, it’s a goal. A strategy is not your agency’s mission statement. Your marketing strategy is a plan of execution.

Goals, objectives and mission statements are all fine.… Continue reading

12 Tips for Using Testimonials for Ad Agency New Business

client testimonials for ad agency new business

Adding recommendations is an easy way to empower a new business program.

As part of my consulting work, I’m asked to review a lot of agency websites from a new business perspective. Recently, I had a request to review the website of a large ad agency in New York. I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t find a single testimonial from a happy client. A good number of agencies neglect to add this important component to their marketing mix.… Continue reading

7 Helps for Consistent Online Leads for Ad Agency New Business

help for ad agency new business

Business development doesn’t have to be so difficult. By creating simple steps and processes you’ll have a system to boost online leads.

Here are 7 tips to get started:

1. Consistently Use Lead Generation Platforms

The battle for new business has moved online.

You want to enlarge your agency’s online footprint to generate more leads.

These are some proven platforms:

  • For over the past 10 years, I’ve recommended a niche blog for agency new busines. I’ve helped create over 450 personal blogs for agency principals.
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You Can’t Grow Your Ad Agency Quicker Alone

Being an agency owner can be lonely. 

It’s natural. We’re at the top and insulated. Our world consists of our employees, clients, vendors and the small, finite amount of time we get to spend with our friends and families.

Sure, it can be fun, exciting and rewarding. Hell, we wouldn’t do it otherwise. These are the highs.

But on the other hand, there are lows. And they get well, really low. In some cases, it seems you don’t have anyone to turn to.

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Social Media is now Pay to Play for Ad Agency New Business

social media is pay to play for ad agency new business

Paid social advertising can accelerate the process of attracting qualified traffic and leads.

Since 2007, I’ve preached that there was a new model for new business that made the existing model obsolete. Agencies needed a new approach to new business.

During the past decade, technology and the rise of social media changed how people communicated. This dramatically impacted business development. Prospects became self-sufficent. Any business information they wanted about a product or service became easily available online.… Continue reading

Distractions Can Take A Toll On Ad Agency New Business

Why it’s so hard to remain focused on new business and how to deal with distractions.

The atmosphere is often chaotic at most agencies. There are numerous interruptions and urgent requests throughout each day. It’s an environment that’s in a perpetual state of distraction. Working in this kind of climate is stressful. You’re constantly shifting from one task to the next.

In addition to agency our agency life, we’re now having to process an extreme amount of information daily.… Continue reading

Ad Agencies: The Two Things Prospects Want to Buy

stop selling for ad agency new business

You should stop selling your services, that’s not what prospects are buying.

Agency business development programs are often sales focused. They’re built around outbound, interruptive sales tactics that are designed to start engagements with prospective clients. The prospects have little, if any, awareness of the agency or how they’re different from their competitors.

Success in “selling the agency” is proving to be extremely difficult. And when business development isn’t successful, they think the sensible thing to do is to step-up outbound sales.… Continue reading

Targeting First-time CMOs for Ad Agency New Business

Here are five brands that have added their first CMO.

As any agency business development executive knows, it’s crucial to track decision-maker shifts in order to beat competitors to the pitch. First-time CMOs are one of the top new business triggers for agency changes, media shifts, and new marketing technology investments, as new hires tend to make changes within 3-12 months following their appointment.

First-time CMO hires signal that a company is making moves to bolster their marketing efforts, and also indicates a probable increase in spend in order to support these initiatives.… Continue reading

Your Personal Brand is Key for Ad Agency New Business

Your Personal Brand and Ad Agency New Business

Developing your personal brand is one of the best investments you can make for new business.

Through my experience working with hundreds of advertising, digital, media and PR firms, I’ve discovered how important it is for the agency owner to be the face of their company. Given the rise of social media, their personal brand story is as essential, or even more so, than the agency’s brand.

Being the “face” of an agency is an intimidating role, and as a result, many owners and founders avoid the spotlight. 

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