How to Write a Book and Generate New Business for Your Agency

I have a great new business idea for you. Why don’t you write your own book? Think about the benefits. How a book would positively position you and your agency in the minds of your target audience as being an expert in your field. Not to mention the speaking and additional writing opportunities that also puts you in front of prospective clients.

Ad Agency New Business and Social Media: Help me to help you

Blogs, email, if they are not relevant and delivering consistent value to those reading them, then what’s the point? Please take the poll and let me know how I can better help you with your agency’s new business and social media. Multiple answers are allowed. You can also list specific requests using the “other” answer […]

Ad Agencies Need to Blog for New Business

sheconomy stephanie holland marketing to women

Your blog can be one of the most important agency new business tools you will find. It is becoming the gateway portal for an ad agency’s prospective clients. Your website is becoming more like an agency brochure or portfolio and there is nothing wrong with that.

She-conomy: Why Your Advertising May be Missing the Mark

she-conomy logo

Today’s post is guest post written by Stephanie Holland. Stephanie one of only 3% of female creative directors in the country. That minority status is becoming a strong point of differentiation for her agency, Holland + Holland, located in Birmingham, Alabama. Especially since 85% of all brands purchases are made by women. It gives her a unique selling proposition and strength as her agency competes with the “big boys.”

Top 5 Benefits for Having an Ad Agency Blog

Your agency’s blog is one of the most important new business tools in your arsenal. It can quickly become the “gateway” to your agency and even your agency’s website. A trend is developing where the Ad agency website is becoming more like the agency brochure or portfolio. This isn’t a bad thing.

7 Tips for Using Direct Mail for Ad Agency New Business

direct mail ad agency new business

Raise awareness for your agency and keep top of mind with prospective clients by using direct mail. Most agencies fail at their own direct mail efforts because they give up after only a couple of mailings when they have little or no results. Direct mail isn’t dead. But its not very effective unless it is used consistently.

Basecamp: A Great Ad Agency New Business Tool

Basecamp for ad agency new business

Bar none, Basecamp is the single most useful Web application that I have ever used to assist in developing and maintaining a consistent ad agency new business program. Even though it wasn’t specifically designed for new business, it has quickly become the best new business program management system that I have ever come across.

New Business Resolutions for Small Agency CEOs

New Years resolutions for ad agency new business

It’s traditional on New Year’s Eve to announce your New Year’s resolutions, those things that you’re going to do better or more of during the new year. Below are a few suggested new business resolutions that will make 2008 a brighter year for your agency: